Hip Hop is On Trial
Most of us can mistake hip hop for an urban culture without a cause or a lost cause for that matter, as we digg deeper we can come to appreciate the complexity and power behind this cultural maschine tagged #HipHop. In a recent Intelligence Squared debate topic 'Hip hop is on trial", a panel of experts are convened to tackle the question "Does hip hop uplift or degrade our society??
A fair question which from the onset probes our understanding of the hip hop culture and the references in contextualizing an approach to this debate. The IQ2 debate was nothing new in depsyphering the misconceptions or relating to the general perceptions that have always existed since the early days of hip hop. Amongs the panel of experts included Professors and Professionals in Journalism, Academics, Computer Science visionary and International Artists or Hip Hop activists including QuestLove, QTip, Estelle as well as prominent figures such as KRS1, Rev Jesse Jackson, Advocate Michael Dyson and Dream Hampton. Wow what a great way to gather great minds check it out if you part of our socials @paytcommunity its one of our prime viewings....#Googlehangout
Can we deny the fostering of misplaced values by the surge of commercial hip hop which promotes craz materialism and degradation of women. 'Base.. how low can you go" 'Base... how low can you go'by Michael Dyson arguing for Hip Hop. (what a way 2 debate,,but our general consensus was THAT the debate as informative and entertaining as it may be could have been much more broader outside American context,,cause as South African Hip hop journo who raised the question on which society are WE talking about??...#luvIt @BigUps)
'Hip hop is a culture of resistance, exposing contradictions and emmenating from a place of darkness in someway and as a result rebels from the opressive state of reality as a form of expression. It has the ability to liberate and enhance a society."
Whats interesting to observe is how has this culture transcended to language and freedom of expression. This has definitely sprung alive in African particularly as the hip hop culture has grown and embraced the linguistic element which has breathed a whole new life into this dynamic culture.
A critical element to Hip hop is knowledge and as a robust culture let us be reminded that this is a culture that filters in visual art, language, dance and
street fashion amongst many elements that makes it robust and a bigger vehicle than we conceive. {Formulation and creation of knowledge, liberating young
kids minds for almost 4 decades @hiphop}
(((Hip hop has existed for merely 4 decades)), it comes as a great pleasure to usher in a brand new perspective in African context, that embraces cultural exchange. #PAYT introduces a Motswako brand that is about to take on a whole
new wave of excitement. A paradigm shift which is commodifying art and
embracing the concept of free Art. CC.Cruz Control produced by MM3rd is
There I leaked it right b4 Midnight download official opening!!!
Love 2 be part of #paytcommunity
Motswako Culture
[Originates from a place called Mahikeng South Africa and in direct translation means "mixture']
www.dextra.com and meet everyone who formed part of this epic Album hosted by #Apu!!